Sunday, December 05, 2004

Almost a puppy!

It's been awhile since I posted......lots going on and nothing going on at the same time. Seth continues in the towers and patrolling when needed. He's currently doing five days of patrols in the area around Bagram. When that finishes he has four more night towers and then goes back on days. He's been complaining of sleep problems and problems with his stomach. Mayber a combination of crazy hours and stress? I'm hopeful that a return to a more normal(?) schedule will make him feel better. We spoke to him Saturday afternoon (late Saturday night his time) and he told us that for 10 minutes today he was a happy guy. While on patrol his squad purchased a puppy from an Afghan national for $1.00. Seth sat in the Humvee for about 10 minutes holding the puppy before the LT told him that he couldn't turn a blind eye to the was against regulations and Seth had to return the dog. Holding a puppy.......what a wonderful feeling for 10 minutes in a crazy world!

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