Monday, December 03, 2007

What's your pet peeve?

I remember when the boys were young, times were not always very settled around the Lovell household. Putting it nicely, the twins were a little trying at times, full of energy and quite rambunctious. A friend once remarked, that when she felt a little overwhelmed by her life, all she had to do was think of us and her life didn't seem so bad! I always felt it was a kind of service we provided to others....."well, our life sucks, but we could be the Lovell's." Yesterday in Sunday School we were doing a lesson on complaining. We started the lesson by going around the room and listing our pet peeves. It was an interesting list.....
Women driving minivans full of kids while putting on make-up and talking on the cell phone
people who slow you down in the lunch line
rude people
people who talk in the movie theater
George Bush (guess who said that!)

The list went on and on with people having little trouble finding a pet peeve...we all had them, sometimes a whole list of them. As I listened I thought about how blessed we are to be living in this country where our list of pet peeves have nothing to do with survival. Things are so good for us we can waste our energy being ticked off about people slowing us down in the lunch line or talking in the movie theater. What we need is a little perspective. I don't want to be the one providing that perspective like I did for the friend when the twins were little. But I also want to remember this lesson when Seth and Eli are home from Iraq. Right now I can push aside life's little irritants, because I've got bigger things to worry about. But when my children are home, safe and settled will I still have that attitude...will I still count my blessings instead of focusing on my pet peeves? I really feel that God is using this experience to make me a better person....I want to remember these lessons.


Bag Blog said...

It seems the children of Israel often had problems remembering lessons. Hopefully, we will do better.

I finished "Pillars of the Earth" - interesting book.

Lovell said...

I hope you enjoyed it as much as my family. It's been one of our favorites!

Bag Blog said...

Some of "Pillars" was a hard read, like the rape and pillage scenes, but I did enjoy the journey of the cathedral. I read that there is a sequal to the book coming out. I guess I will have to read that too.