Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dove Body Wash and Dauphin Island

When I talked with Seth yesterday he indicated that the tentative date for a pass before leaving for Iraq is September 4 through the 9th. Tentative? Maybe I don't have a good grasp of the complexities of moving thousands of soldiers and tons of equipment around, but it seems like they could do better than "tentative." The Army's motto seems to be, "We're never sure of anything until we're done!" I DO understand how difficult it must be to move men and machines and have them end up where their supposed to be, when they're supposed to be there.....but, some consideration must be given to the soldiers and their families. How do you plan a trip to see your soldier before they leave for Iraq when you're only given tentative dates? How do you make plans to miss work, reservations for travel and lodging?
Our "tentative plans" look like they involve driving to Mississippi on Labor Day, picking up Seth and Eli on the 4th and traveling to Dauphin Island off the coast of Alabama. Jan and I will miss four days of work and Brittany will miss school.
Jan and I were just discussing the fact that much of our travel the last couple of years has been due to our sons military careers...we've seen Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia, North Carolina and now will travel to Mississippi and Alabama. All things considered I'd be happy to have stayed in Virginia!
We put a package in the mail to Seth today...he requested two things - Advil and Dove Exfoliating Body Wash.........a tough soldier with healthy skin.

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