Thursday, July 12, 2007

Unpatriotic?.....or just Wimps?

You used to be "unpatriotic" if you questioned the war in Iraq or Little George's policies. Now, according to Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio you are a "Wimp." At least that's what he called fellow GOP lawmakers who have parted company with Little George on the war. As GOP defections mount in the run up to the 2008 elections Boehner has taken the gloves off and is getting tough. Next he might start talking about "yo momma." My guess is that John Boehner was one of those kids in middle school who wanted to watch the other kids fight, but kept a safe distance from the fray afraid to get his hands bloodied. In searching for information on Senators and Congressmen with children in the miliatary I could only find some admittedly dated information. According to the St. Louis Post Dispatch, May 11, 2003, only four of the 535 members of Congress had children in the military and only one, Sen. Tim Johnson (D., South Dakota) had a child who fought in Iraq. Of course, since Jim Webb was elected over Little George Wanna-be Allen the number of Senators with children serving in Iraq has doubled to two. Again, I admit these numbers may not be 100% accurate, but I believe it is safe to say that most Congressmen and Senators don't have children in the Military or serving in Iraq. Would Boehner feel the same way about the war if his children or grandchildren were being asked to sacrifice for Little George's war? My question: Is this war only worth the cost if it is fought with someone else's children? Wimp indeed....I challenge Boehner to a no holds barred game of paper, rock, scissors at recess!

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