Monday, July 09, 2007

Pay as you go..........the war that was going to pay for itself

I try to stay away from political discussions (but do a poor job) however this administration simply begs for comment. The Iraq war was supposed to pay for itself with oil revenue. Just like WMD's this has never materialized:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The boost in troop levels in Iraq has increased the cost of war there and in Afghanistan to $12 billion a month, and the total for Iraq alone is nearing a half-trillion dollars, congressional analysts say.

All told, Congress has appropriated $610 billion in war-related money since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror assaults, roughly the same as the war in Vietnam. Iraq alone has cost $450 billion.

The figures come from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, which provides research and analysis to lawmakers.

For the 2007 budget year, CRS says, the $166 billion appropriated to the Pentagon represents a 40 percent increase over 2006.

We are squandering American lives and American capital! When will enough people stand up and say enough is enough!

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