Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Back inside the wire

While I still can't give details (OpSec, you know) Eli is safely back inside the wire. He called us last night around 11:30 PM to report in. He called us first, knowing that would be a short call (Jan and I both need our beauty sleep) then called Katy and talked to her for about an hour and a half. We had a conference call with Brittany and Seth this morning with Eli in the background. Eli apparently hasn't slept all day after getting back to Al Asad at 6:30 AM. He said he was a little too wired to sleep so he worked out, went out to lunch with some friends and just hung out in his room. We didn't get any details about his trip other than it went fine.
Seth talked a little more about the Armored Security Vehicle he'll be driving. He described it as a tank and a humvee having a baby. He'll be going out sometime this week on a short day mission to get driving experience.

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