Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Email Mailbag

We rolled out of bed this morning to the sound of the computer(phone) ringing. Always a delightful way to start your day when you get an opportunity to talk to one of your sons! Seth was taking a break from answering emails and called home to catch up on news and wish us "top of the morning!" Seth said he had over fifty emails that he was answering. Being in and out of the base he falls behind on his correspondence. The emails from friends, family and a few strangers mean a lot to the boys. Seth noted that he had even gotten an email from somebody that goes to grandma's church.
Eli is due back on base today and Seth will be leaving tomorrow for a quick out and back.
Seth reflected on his time in Afghanistan after spending some time going back through my blog and looking at pictures. When he was in Afghanistan he was in a "soft" humvee acting as a gunner in an exposed turret. He notes that the ASV is heavily armored and the gunner is never exposed. In addition they wear so much body armor that they never wore in Afganistan.....oh my have times have changed.

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