Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Heading Back to Iraq.......for $82

I delivered Eli to the Greensboro Airport this morning after a tearful goodbye with Katy. We left their house at 7:00 AM and arrived at the airport for check-in, breakfast at Dunkin' Doughnuts and time to just sit at the gate and chat for a while. Because Eli didn't use his original ticket out of Richmond on the 12th he was forced to pay $82 to get from Greensboro to Atlanta where the Army will take over his transportation. It's up in the air if he'll get reimbursed by the Army for this out of pocket expense and on the surface it seems terrible that he has to pay to return to Iraq. On the other hand, if someone had told him on the 12th that he could pay $82 for an additional ten days at home, I'm sure he would have thought that a bargain. It's all how you look at it! Before I got home to Virginia, Eli called from Atlanta with the news that he's booked for a flight out of the country this evening. He's hopeful that within 24 hours he'll be back in his room with his second favorite roommate.

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