Friday, January 11, 2008

I've been teaching a class at Church on Wednesday nights called "The Gospel According to Andy." It's kind of theology lite.....we watch an episode of the old Andy Griffith show and discuss the moral lessons in light of the Bible. It's more a fellowship time than anything else. Last week's lesson was on Jumping to Conclusions and the episode dealt with Wally's Filling Station being robbed and the wrong person being accused. When I was preparing for the lesson I came across something I had seen before and thought I would use it in class. Perhaps some of you have seen this before.
It's time to elect a new leader. You have three candidates to chose from. Candidate A has had two extramarital affairs, consults with astrologists before making decisions, smokes heavily and drinks 8 - 10 martinis each evening. Candidate B sleeps until noon each day, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey each day. Candidate C is a strict vegetarian, drinks only the occasional beer, never cheated on his wife and is a decorated war hero.
Now the kicker here is that Candidate A is Franklin Roosevelt, Candidate B is Winston Churchill and Candidate C is Adolf Hitler!
I recently saw an addition to this...a Candidate D. Candidate D abused alcohol during his college and young adult years, went AWOL from the service, had three failed business ventures and only prospered because of family connections. Of course we're talking about my friend and yours...little George! I still marvel at the gullibility of the American voters. I guess if you wrap yourself in the flag and claim loudly enough that you're a Christian, that's enough for some folks. Whenever I see a car with a Bush-Cheney bumper sticker on it I want to ask the driver if they're embarrassed yet.

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