Thursday, September 20, 2007

Angry Man

I'm an angry man...My wife has pointed out to me that I can't go through the next year as an angry person. But I'm angry that we live in a society that as Cindy Sheehan points out, more people are concerned about who the next American Idol will be than about how many American soldiers and Iraqi citizens are dying each day and each week in this war against terrorism that is supposed to make us safe, but is making the world less safe each day. I'm so mad that I'm forgetting to use punctuation! I'm mad that we live in a society that is more concerned about O J Simpson, Brittany Spears and stupid reality TV shows, than the eroding personal freedoms foisted upon us by little George and his band of merry men and their politics of fear. I'm angry that there is a silent majority in this country that is allowing the wacko fringes of both parties to drive our national politics.
But most of all.....I'm angry that I would be one of those people I descibed above if my own sons weren't trapped in little George's grip.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Lovell, I found your blog by googleing (should I drop the e?) Al Asad, C-IED. I havn't read everything, but I did skim through. I found the sand storm footage very interesting. One hears the word "sandstorm" and can only imagine with no base of reference it's not easy. Why would I google Al Asad? My husband is there. I will not get into what he does (opsec) or too much detail, but he is in the army. I miss him so much as I am sure you miss your boys. I will not share my politcal views. Nor will I share my husbands. As a member of the military he is serving our country, honorably with dedication. I am proud of him and every other service member for their service and sacrafice. The feelings I may have for or against the war are a moot point. I do not have the luxury of expressing them. I do not wish to cause my husband difficulties. So I silence my opinions, pray alot, cry often, and hope his homecoming will be safe, soon and happy. I know even after he comes home we will have many things to deal with. At least then we will be together and work through whatever we need to. I pray for all our service men and women often. I will include your boys in my prayers. I will picture their smiling faces and your descriptions of them as boys (messy verses neat) I have two boys also. They too are very different. We also had to move one to the basement, for our sanity as well as theirs!! One question, if you would like to answere, did they do any C-IED training in Al Asad? I felt such a connection for so many reasons. (army, al asad, two boys, messy, get the idea)
God Bless. I know it is not easy to be here when they are so far away.I hope they will be home soon. My regards to you, your wife and of course your sons.
Stay Strong

Lovell said...

I hope my political views didn't offend you and I hope your read enough to know that I support our troops 100%. Our military is the best in world, made up of many of the finest people in the world....I simply don't support this administration and their handling of the war. In answer to your question, my sons did C-IED training in state before deploying. They are not at Al Asad yet (at least not that I know.) They are currently in Kuwait awaiting transit to Iraq. From all I hear, Al Asad is a good place to be if you have to be in Iraq. I don't know what your husband does, but my sons will be doing convoy security.
At the departure ceremony for my soldiers a speaker said, "Keep your head up and your eyes on the horizon." It's a good thing to think about and try to do each and every day. My prayers are with your family also.