Saturday, September 15, 2007

Sorry....that's OpSec!

Have you ever heard someone say, "I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." A humorous way of dealing with secretive information. The Army is concerned about security....rightfully so. It's referred to as Operational Security - OpSec. Lots of things are considered OpSec, especially troop movements. We don't want the bad guy to know when troops are moving, how they're moving and where they're going. Sometimes, OpSec is carried to the extreme. When Eli reported for duty back in June he was questioned by an Army Intelligence Officer about my Blog. That in itself raises a couple of did they know I had a blog - tell me Army Intelligence has nothing better to do than monitor blogs on the internet. Oh I don't know, maybe they could be trying to find out where Bin Laden buys his batteries for his digital camcorder! Anyway they were concerned that I may violate OpSec and they pointed to a blog entry when Seth was in Afghanistan. I reported that Seth was on QRF....Quick Reactionary Force. This is a bunch of guys sitting around in a hanger at Bagram Air Force Base. They're ready to jump on a helicopter and head to any trouble spot quickly...hence the name Quick Reaction Force. According to Army Intelligence, that violated OpSec.
For my children's sake, I'm paying very close attention to OpSec.....all that to lead up to the fact that Seth and Eli will leave country very, very, very, very soon....wink, wink. I can't say when, where or what the long and torturous path to Iraq will be - but know that they will no longer be in country. Kick the prayer level up a notch or two...I know I will.

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