Sunday, April 06, 2008

No News is Good News!

Everything you read about blogging and maintaining your own web page tells you to update regularly.....after all, who wants to read the same thing over and over....beware! - you'll lose traffic if you don't continually post new content! As far as I'm concerned, no new content is a good thing. I honestly have nothing to post about other than the fact the the countdown on my computer is progressing in a good, efficient manner. Seth and Eli are spending their last days in Iraq and by next weekend will be on their way home. The question I've been asked by many is "Will they have to go back." My answer - "I don't know." I'll pray that they don't and I'll pray for an end to this war because I grieve every time a soldier leaves his family and heads off to war. I read the other day that we now have soldiers who have spent more time in a war zone than soldiers did during World War II. I also read in our local paper that for the first time since polling began to ask this question, over 80% of Americans think this country is headed in the wrong direction. Unfortunately, those responding were more concerned about high gas prices than the war. The war has begun to take a back seat to other, more pressing concerns. That thought makes me one of the 80% who think we're headed in the wrong direction.

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